Monday, 29 June 2015

Christians Don't Need More Blogs About Homosexuality

What we need is another Christian blog post about homosexuality. Said no one, at all, in the last few days. Instead, as Facebook feeds slowly fill up with rainbow themed decor, what we have heard again and again is, “If you don't want their beliefs forced on you, don't force yours on them.” We've heard it from the Pride and the homophobic community alike. The fact is, this 'freedom' that Christians have been celebrating, thanking God for and taking for granted for years has finally come back to bite them. And we are left in a world where, as a rule, everyone has settled on an opinion and doesn't want to hear yours. And while rainbows are flying higher than ever, Christians are responding with innumerable posts stating that 'we can love you but still disagree,' which will continue to be misunderstood, but needs to keep being repeated.

In truth, 99% of people on both sides just want peace. In fact that's what most of the hashtags #lovewins on Twitter are about – from those both for and against legal gay marriage. You have freedom, they have freedom, and everyone values that freedom. We get it.

So what exactly are Christians doing in this quickly developing culture? For the most part, awkwardly trying to remind people that they value traditional marriage, because they feel overwhelmed by a rainbow coloured Facebook newsfeed, and feel the need to raise their own banner and remind the world we are still here.

The world is already clear on what the
church believes about traditional
marriage. What they're still missing
is what we believe about Christ.
But, for the record, I haven't seen any pictures recently of a famous preacher's face bearing a quote about honesty. Or about covetousness. In fact, even with the rise of #lovewins I haven't seen anyone talking about the great sin of hate. Nope. Just homosexuality. Despite the fact that the Bible takes a stance on a multitude of common issues, we don't proudly wave our flags on every issue. Why? Because our actions have always said more than our anti-sin declarations. The apostles were accused of turning the world for publicly declaring that Jesus was the Christ, not not for taking firm and public stances on sin (Acts 17:1-8). So do we remain silent on the issue of marriage? No. But we make holiness, and not clarity of opinion our priority.

The church is headed into a new and bigger battlefield than ever before. The early church faced generations of martyrdom, the Reformation era saw political and social rejection, but our era will be remembered for a different fight. I believe we will be remembered for our sexual purity. I think the church is entering a new age where a pastor having an affair will no longer be a 'scandal,' it will be a permanent stain on the ministry. I think the church's purity, and not her opinions, will be what is mocked and paraded in the streets.

In the last few weeks, we received the resignation of a very famous conservative preacher in the States because of 'an inappropriate relationship.' I a convinced that if this becomes a common occurrence it will be the new 'Crusades' – the foolishness of men paraded for generations as the foolishness of Christ.

Be careful, Christian. For we are being judged by our conduct. Because guess what? The world already knows the church's stance on homosexuality. You don't need to put up another post. But what you do need to do is very seriously consider the following verses for yourself. Not for anyone outside the church (for this was written specifically to a church), but consider this for yourself.:

And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” (Eph 5:2-5)

Now, more than ever, our sexual purity matters. It will rise to be the icon of this generation. Before you worry about reminding the world of your marriage stance, let your conduct reflect Christ. Let purity be our defining mark, and may it blaze as a bright witness.